Monday, August 10, 2009

Skull 39

I have finally put my toe in the blog water! It feels really good! Thanks to some encouragement and basic info (that's all I'm capable of handling!) from my friend Dawn, I have created a blog to share and document all of the wonder that has come from and continues to happen at my Upstate retreat commonly known by all of us who hang out there as "Skull 39" or more often just, "The Skull". I really look forward to going back through my photo archives and sharing not only the process of building the house but also all of the friends, meals, music, art and great times that have made this the most special place in the world to me. And we've only just begun!!
Stay tuned for the Skull's past, present and future.....


  1. I can't wait to read more! Seems like such an awesome place...

  2. I like Skulls and the Number 39 and am a hot goth/emo girl
